CACREP Accreditation

The School of Education Counseling MEd program is accredited by the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP), which is the premier accrediting body for determining the quality of a graduate counseling program. CACREP develops and maintains standards and procedures that ensure students in counseling and related programs receive high-quality, relevant education that prepares them for licensure and success in professional practice.

Benefits of CACREP Accreditation

Three federal agencies have made graduation from a CACREP-accredited Clinical Mental Health Counseling program a requirement for independent practice in counseling: the U.S. Veteran’s Administration, Tricare, and the Army Substance Abuse program. In addition, many doctoral programs require that applicants graduate from a CACREP-accredited master’s program.

December 2022

Clinical Mental Health Counseling

There are currently 32 students enrolled in the Clinical Mental Health Counseling Program. The program accommodates both full-time and part-time students. In last graduating class, 92% of the students graduated within the expected time period. Eleven students graduated in the past year and 92 % of those seeking employment were employed within 90 days of graduation. Follow-ups of recent graduates indicate that 100% have passed the state licensing exam.  In the past years, Clinical Mental Health Counseling students have received awards and recognitions including the National Board of Certified Counselors’ Minority Fellowship, the American Group Psychotherapy Conference Scholarship, President’s Award from the Louisiana Counseling Association, the Louisiana Counseling Association Conference Scholarships and the Chi Sigma Iota Outstanding Newsletter Award.  Students have served on the Board and as officers of the Louisiana Association of Counselor Graduate Students.

School Counseling

There are currently 16 students enrolled in the School Counseling Program. The program accommodates both full-time and part-time students. In the last graduating class, the completion rate was 66%. Two students graduated in the past year and all passed the area praxis exam. Follow-ups of recent graduates indicate that 100% of school counseling graduates seeking employment were employed within 90 days of graduation. In past years, school counseling students have received both state and national awards including the National Board of Certified Counselors Foundation Minority Fellowship, the American School Counselor Association's Foundation Award, the American Counseling Association's Ross Trust Award for School Counseling, the Chi Sigma Iota Leadership Essay Award, the Louisiana School Counselor Association's Graduate Student Award and Student Scholarship and the Chi Sigma Iota Outstanding Newsletter Award. Students have served on the Board and as officers of the Louisiana Association of Counselor Graduate Students and on the Board of the Louisiana School Counselor Association.

The Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP, 2016) requires that programs make certain information publicly available each year (Standard 4.E).

Reports generated for Fall 2023, Spring 2024, Summer 2024

Student Information MEd in Clinical Mental Health Counseling MEd in School Counseling
Currently enrolled first-year students 17 3
Currently enrolled second-year students 11 8
Currently enrolled third-year students  13 3
Graduates in 2022-2023 13 3
Program completion rate 78%* 100%
Employment rate 100% 100%
National Counselor Examination Pass 100% 100%
Professional School Counselor Praxis Pass NA 100%


MEd in Clinical Mental Health Counseling, Med in School Counseling
completion rate computed on rolling basis and indicates proportion of students who complete degree requirements within expected time to degree (3 years for full-time, 3-4 years for part-time) Employment rate indicates the proportion of students who desired employment that were employed or engaged in full-time.

*This program completion rate was greatly affected due to the COVID pandemic.