Faculty Advising
Locate your major in the first column to find your advisor. You can make an appointment with your faculty advisor via Navigate, or by emailing them directly.
Faculty advising will be offered both virtually and in-person for the spring 2024
Students can schedule an advising appointment by emailing agbuadvising@lsu.edu, or using
Navigate following the steps below:
- Select “Academic Advising”
- Select “College of Agriculture”
- Select “Faculty Advising – Agricultural Business”
- Select the date and time for an appointment with any advisor.
Student Population: | Contact: |
All with a focus on transfer students (both from outside LSU, outside the College of Agriculture, and from other majors within the College of Agriculture); continuing students interested in graduate or professional school |
Dr. Trina Biswas 224 Woodin Hall tbiswa1@lsu.edu 225-578-2759 |
Only the continuing students interested in accelerated Agricultural Business Master's program. | Dr. Matt Fannin 130 Woodin Hall mfannin@agcenter.lsu.edu 225-578-0346 |
Continuing students | Don Ator 125 Woodin Hall dator@lsu.edu 225-578-2716 |
Faculty advising will be offered both virtually and in-person for the spring 2024
Students can schedule an advising appointment using Navigate following the steps below:
- Select “Academic Advising”
- Select “College of Agriculture”
- Select “Faculty Advising – Ag & Extension Education”
- Select the date and time for an appointment with the appropriate advisor
Student Population: | Contact: | |
Agricultural Education/Agricultural Leadership | Kristin Stair 135 JC Miller KStair@lsu.edu 225-578-6194 225-578-0777 |
Emily Manuel 129 JC Miller emilymanuel@lsu.edu 225-578-7892 |
Agricultural Leadership/Extension | Lisa Arcemont 131 JC Miller LArcemont@agcenter.lsu.edu 225-578-6194 |
Adam O'Malley 137 JC Miller aomalley@agcenter.lsu.edu 225-578-6194 |
Faculty advising will be offered both virtually and in-person for the spring 2024
Students can schedule an advising appointment using Navigate following the steps below:
- Select “Academic Advising”
- Select “College of Agriculture”
- Select “Faculty Advising – Animal Sciences”
- Select the date and time for an appointment with the appropriate advisor
Student Population: | Contact: |
P-S And, Seniors, transfer students, students with problems such as CATS holds or other holds |
Dr. Cathleen Williams 229L AFSL Building CWilliams@agcenter.lsu.edu 225-578-4574 |
A-Ch | Mr. Tyler Braud 229E AFSL Building Baton Rouge, LA 70803 TBraud@agcenter.lsu.edu 225-578-5426 |
Ci-F | Dr. Ashleigh Muth-Spurlock 201E AFSL Building Baton Rouge, LA 70803 amuthspurlock@agcenter.lsu.edu 225-578-5085 |
G-K | Dr. Vinicius Moreira 229K AFSL Building VMoreira@agcenter.lsu.edu 225-578-0880 |
L-O | Dr. Jennifer Ritchie 229M AFSL Bldg Baton Rouge, LA 70803 JRitchie@agcenter.lsu.edu 225-578-4386 |
P-S | Dr. Cathleen Williams 229L AFSL Building CWilliams@agcenter.lsu.edu 225-578-4574 |
T-Z | Mr. Mark Williams 204 J B Francioni Hall Baton Rouge, LA 70803 MAWilliams@agcenter.lsu.edu 225-578-0886 |
Faculty advising will be offered both virtually and in person for the spring 2024 semester. Students can schedule an advising appointment using Navigate following the steps below:
- Select “Academic Advising”
- Select “College of Agriculture”
- Select “Faculty Advising – Environmental Management Systems”
- Select the date and time for an appointment with the appropriate advisor
Student Population: | Contact: |
All Environmental Management Systems students | Dr. Maud Walsh 110 Sturgis Hall Baton Rouge, LA 70803 evwals@lsu.edu 225-578-1211 |
Faculty advising will be offered both virtually and in-person for the spring 2024
Students can schedule an advising appointment using Navigate following the steps below:
- Select “Academic Advising”
- Select “College of Agriculture”
- Select “Faculty Advising – Nutrition & Food Sciences”
- Select the date and time for an appointment with the appropriate advisor
Student Population (Last Name): | Contact: |
A-B Dietetics students A-K Nutritional Sciences students |
Brandi Milioto* 257 Knapp Hall bmilioto@agcenter.lsu.edu 225-578-1537 |
C-I Dietetics students | Erin McKinley 285 Knapp Hall emckinley@agcenter.lsu.edu 225-578-1631 |
J-L Dietetics students | Lindsay Barleycorn* lbarleycorn@agcenter.lsu.edu 271 Knapp |
M-Q Dietetics students | Shellie Doré 205 Knapp Hall sdore@agcenter.lsu.edu 225-578-3661 |
R-Z Dietetics students | Mike Keenan* 209 Knapp Hall mkeenan@agcenter.lsu.edu 225-578-1708 |
L-Z Nutritional Sciences students | James Wise* Jwise@agcenter.lsu.edu 269 Knapp |
All Food Science and Technology students | Joan King* 201J Animal and Food Sciences Lab jking@agcenter.lsu.edu 225-578-5157 |
All Nutrition, Health and Society students | Judy Myhand 219 Human Ecology jmyhand@agcenter.lsu.edu 225-578-1718 |
*Please schedule an appointment with these advisors via email; they are not available on Navigate.
Please monitor your LSU email for important information regarding faculty advising,
for the Group Advising sessions that will be held specific to your major and concentration.
Student Population: | Contact: |
Current student course advising (>80 credit hours) AOC; New to LSU students and current students transferring from another LSU program; ARC students; study abroad and internship questions; and inquires and advising at times other than course scheduling | Mike Kaller 105 Renewable Natural Resources Building mkalle1@lsu.edu 225-578-0012 |
Course advising for current students attending LSU (1-80 credit hours earned) AOC; Conservation Biology and Ecological Restoration AOCs; Wildlife Ecology AOC | Sabrina Taylor School of Renewable Natural Resources 331 Renewable Natural Resources Building staylor@agcenter.lsu.edu 225-578-4137 |
Course advising for current students attending LSU (1 - 80 credit hours earned) AOC; Forest Enterprise, Forest Resource Management, and Wildlife Habitat Conservation and Management AOCs | Thomas Dean 210 Renewable Natural Resources Building fwdean@lsu.edu 225-578-4216 |
Course advising for current students attending LSU (1-80 credit hours earned) AOC; Pre-Veterinary Medicine - Wildlife and Fisheries AOC | Bill Kelso 118 Renewable Natural Resources Building wkelso@lsu.edu 225-578-4176 |
Course advising for current students attending LSU (1-80 credit hours earned) AOC; Wetland Science AOC; Wildlife Ecology AOC | Andy Nyman 327 Renewable Natural Resources Building Baton Rouge, LA 70803 jnyman@agcenter.lsu.edu 225-578-4220 |
Course advising for current students attending LSU (1-80 credit hours earned) AOC; Fisheries and Aquaculture and Watershed Science AOCs | Dr. Garrett Hopper 119 Renewable Natural Resources Building Ghopper@agcenter.lsu.edu |
Faculty advising will be offered virtually for the spring 2024 semester. Students
can schedule an
advising appointment by emailing their advisor directly or by using Navigate following
the steps
- Select “Academic Advising”
- Select “College of Agriculture”
- Select “Faculty Advising – Plant & Soil Systems”
- Select the date and time for an appointment with the appropriate advisor
Student Population: | Contact: |
Plant and Soil Systems students in the Crop Science, Soil Science, and Sustainable Production Systems concentrations | Dr. Maud Walsh 110 Sturgis Hall Baton Rouge, LA 70803 evwals@lsu.edu 225-578-1211 |
Plant and Soil Systems students in the Turfgrass and Landscape Management concentration | Dr. Eric DeBoer EDeboer@agcenter.lsu.edu |
Plant and Soil Systems students in the Horticultural Sciences concentration - Current
student course advising (>80 credit hours)
Plant and Soil Systems students in the Horticultural Sciences concentration - Current
student course advising (<80 credit hours)
Kaylee M. Deynzer
253 Julian C. Miller
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
225-578-1028 |
Plant and Soil Systems students in the Agricultural Pest Management and Urban Entomology concentrations | Dr. Jeff Davis A512 Life Sciences Building - LSU Baton Rouge, LA 70803 JeffDavis@agcenter.lsu.edu 225-578-5618 |
Plant and Soil Systems students in the Medicinal Plant Sciences concentration |
Jennifer Blanchard
237 Julian C. Miller
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
Faculty advising will be offered both virtually and in-person for the spring 2024
Students can schedule an advising appointment using Navigate following the steps below:
- Select “Academic Advising”
- Select “College of Agriculture”
- Select “Faculty Advising – Textiles, Apparel & Merchandising”
- Select the date and time for an appointment with the appropriate advisor
Student Population (Last Name): | Contact: |
A, S-Z | Donna Sapp 133 Human Ecology donnasapp1@lsu.edu 225-578-1728 |
B | Casey Stannard 147 Human Ecology stannard@lsu.edu 225-578-2404 |
C | Sibei Xia 135 Human Ecology sibeixia@lsu.edu 225-578-1724 |
D | Chunmin Lang 143 Human Ecology cmlang@lsu.edu 225-578-7757 |
E-K | Bruce Cameron 129 Human Ecology bcameron1@lsu.edu 225-578-2282 |
L-M | Debbie Welker 223 Human Ecology dwelker@lsu.edu 225-578-2406 |
N-Q | Mary Elliott 235 Human Ecology maryelliott@lsu.edu 225-578-1005 |
R | Michael Mamp 141 Human Ecology mmamp@lsu.edu 225-578-1087 |